quinta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2010

Hello Blogosphere!

So, after thinking through this a lot, I finally decided to make myself a blog. Making few but fruity postings every now and then, I might make this an interesting read for people around the internet. Won't reveal my personal shit here, though.

Mail me on gretgorbw[@]hotmail if you so wish.

While running around people's blogs in blogspot, I discovered there were pretty much three types of blogs:

1)The most frequent ones, that are made by mostly teenagers, where they discuss, with their friends, teeny personal life matters such as "which boy kisses well" or "which boy is gonna get beaten in school". These are pretty much mainstream blogs, obviously people who don't care about bringing up interesting content.

2)The "joker" ones, that usually post, among family vacation pictures, internet softcore humor such as lolcats, failblog, and joke-magazine sort of jokes. Once again, not very lenghty nor fruity content.

3)Finally, the few blogs that are actually worth reading: Blogs with interesting content, be it cool fiction novels, interesting, lenghty dissertations on everyday life, intelligent, well thought humor or readable scientifical essays. Good examples of those blogs that I know of are XKCD, Craig's List (I don't know if that can be considered a blog) and Wootmeister's blog. This is the sort of blog I want this one to be.

So, since that's what I'm aiming for, expect few, but worthy updates, bringing to you interesting paragraphs of rambling, discussions on polemical subjects and some interesting math and computing science essays.

I'm a major at computing science in the University of Parana, in Brazil. (OH NOES, PERSONAL INFORMATION! D:)

No, I can't fix your computer.

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